Journey of a Seeker - Being Sahaja Yogi With Col. Satish Shukla

Journey of a Seeker - Being Sahaja Yogi With Col. Satish Shukla

Have you ever heard of a spiritual journey that is fun filled, full of adventure and like a roller coaster ride? Well, if you want to know whether such a thing is even possible, then you must watch this episode of ‘Being Sahaja Yogi’ with Col. Satish Shukla!

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In the beginning, Col. Shukla’s spiritual seeking was bound to ordinary religious practices that most Indian families teach their children. Visiting temples, chanting mantras, knowing about different Gods and deities and trying to appease them – he did all of that. As an Army officer, he continued with his chanting and worshiping various Gods and then he found his life partner who was even more religious minded! She added another ritual to his religious practices – fasting! And thus he found himself fasting almost thrice a week and refusing snacks and drinks at most get-togethers!!

Life continued and his sister suggested him Sahaja Yoga meditation. The term meditation had a very different definition for him at that point of time. He knew himself to be very dynamic and energetic and he thought that meditation would make him change his nature – maybe make him sedate, calm – for which he was definitely not ready! Also being in the Army, one needs to be very energetic, alert and active all the time – so he rejected the idea of learning any kind of meditation. This attitude continued for couple of years!

After couple of years and up on repeated requests of his sister, he agreed to know and understand Sahaja Yoga. He got his self realization….but felt nothing! No cool breeze, no warm waft – no nothing. But somehow he wanted to know where he was going wrong. When so many people were discussing about this ‘cool breeze’ there must be something to it. So with a typical military attitude he analysed where exactly he was going wrong….and he realized that he was unable to forgive one particular person from his heart……

Listen to what happened after he – much reluctantly – let go of his unforgiving attitude… and forgave for good…..

About Col. Satish Shukla (Retd.) :

A Sahaja Yogi, an Army Veteran (Col.), Author, Telecom, Media and Renewable Energy professional having nearly 44 years of highly diversified experience. Currently Co-Founder of Advanced Integrated Systems Design and Engineering Labs and Innovation Laboratory Energy Pvt Ltd subsidiaries also Group C.E.O. of a large Electronics manufacturing Group at Noida, India.

Many firsts to his credit as he pioneered businesses in Telecom Convergence (Triple Play), Ethnic DTH platform in Europe, IPTV and HITS combined in Malaysia, Integrated Renewable Energy Plant (Pilot Scale) at Kalyan (Greater Mumbai), manufacturing of Tablet PCs for school children (Govt. of India’s Akash Project) and many more.

An evangelist and mentor to multiple startups he has helped more than 30 startups attain success in their respective businesses. He continues to guide and coach as many as ten startups and early stage companies under his tutelage even today in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, Electric Vehicles, Renewable Energy, EV Logistics, Unmanned Vehicles (Air, Land and Water), Waste Management and Sustainable Development etc.

Author of Books MetaMotivation-Rising of the Super Leaders and Consciousness Engineering, he is the Co-Author and Co-Inventor of as many as 70 patents in the field of Renewables Energy and Sustainable manufacturing.


Good to know about you Col Satish Sukla, after so many years. Best wishes. Shakil M.Qureshi. Bhopal +919109915661

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